About the Scorecard
When we founded American Family Project in 2021, we looked for ways to make a distinctive contribution to defending the Family from the Federal Government. An early dimension of this effort has been a Scorecard to capture the Family sentiments of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives. So far, the difference between the two parties has been significant but we hope that in the near future both parties will have equal representation in the “Favorable” category.
Selection Process
- Term: Each Congress has a term of two years and each year is referred to as a “Session.” AFP publishes its scorecard every six months, i.e. every half session.
- Issues: For each scorecard our directors and advisers select issues that reflected the Family in accordance with our Statement of Principles. We take a broad approach since everything that Congress does affects the family somehow. There is no fixed number of votes for any scorecard.
- Weighting: Due to the breadth of our interests we assign weights of 3, 2, and 1 as these more or less relate to the reality of the human person, marriage and the family.
- Categories: We designate members as “Favorable” for scores over 75%, “Unfavorable” for scores less than 50% and “Needs Improvement” for those in between.
- Who Was Scored: We score all members of the House of Representatives except those members who left office or were sworn in during scorecard’s period and those representing U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. Thus there may be fewer than 435 members scored. By clicking the name of any Member of Congress, one can see the votes scored.