118th Congress, Session 1 |
300 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
An amendment numbered 5 to prohibit the Secretary of Defense from paying for or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services. |
AFP discourages murdering children in any form. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
301 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
An amendment numbered 10 to prohibit TRICARE from covering and the DOD from furnishing sex reassignment surgeries and gender hormone treatments for transgender individuals. |
AFP favors sexuality as God has made it. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
310 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
An amendment numbered 32 to prohibit the DOD from requiring participation in training or support for certain race-based concepts for hiring, promotion, or retention of individuals. Also, the amendment ensures that employees and service members cannot be compelled to declare belief in or participate in training that promotes such concepts as a condition of favorable personnel actions. |
AFP is opposed to all forms of racism. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
312 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
An amendment numbered 33 to eliminate any offices of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion along with the personnel in said offices within the offices of the Armed Forces and Department of Defense. |
AFP is opposed to DEI. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
314 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
An amendment numbered 35 to prohibit the DOD Education Activity schools from purchasing and having pornographic and radical gender ideology books in their libraries. |
AFP favors sexuality as God has made it. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
321 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
An amendment numbered 52 to prohibit federal funds for training on diversity, equity, and inclusion. |
AFP disapproves of persons being treated unequally. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
325 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
An amendment numbered 63 to prohibit any funds authorized in the bill from being used by the military service academies to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity in academy admissions or to establish quotas for admission on the basis of race or ethnicity. |
AFP is opposed to all forms of racism. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
340 |
H.R. 3941 |
Schools Not Shelters Act |
This bill prohibits using the facilities of certain schools that receive federal financial assistance to provide shelter or housing for any non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) who has not been admitted for lawful entry. |
Schools should be schools and not housing for illegal immigrants |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
350 |
H.R. 3935 |
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act |
An amendment numbered 50 to require the Secretary of Transportation to refine the reporting directives to provide more detailed information about the cause of a commercial passenger flight cancellation or delay, allowing greater transparency to the traveling public regarding the cause of a canceled or delayed flight.
Advantageous for the traveling public |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
353 |
H.R. 3935 |
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act |
An amendment numbered 65 to restrict funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion officials or training. |
AFP disapproves of persons being treated unequally. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
356 |
H.R. 3935 |
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act |
An amendment numbered 70 to clarify that a study of turbulence should include a focus on weather conditions rather than climate change since weather is the proximate cause. |
The argument from climate change is not reliable. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
363 |
H.R. 3935 |
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act |
An amendment numbered 77 to strike the telework provisions in the underlying bill and apply the SHOW UP Act telework restrictions to the FAA. |
Federal workers should be at their desks to ensure the taxpayers are getting value for money. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
371 |
H.R. 4366 |
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 3 to cut the $73 million increase in funding for the NATO Security Investment Program. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
377 |
H.R. 4366 |
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 40 to prohibit funds in H. R. 4366 from being used to carry out the Administration's climate change executive orders. |
The argument from climate change is not reliable. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
391 |
H.R. 1435 |
Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act |
Overrides regulation calling for electric cars, removing consumer choice and raising the cost of transportation. |
Eliminating fossil fuel vehicles is part of the climate change agenda which AFP does regard as reliable. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
427 |
H.R. 4368 |
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 95 to reduce to $1 the salary of the Director of the Office of Regulatory Policy at the FDA. |
FDA regulations have favored Big-Pharma over the needs of families. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
430 |
H.R. 4368 |
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 102 to reduce the amount appropriated in this Act by $717,000,000. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
439 |
H.R. 4365 |
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 161 printed in Part A of House Report 118-216 to prohibit funds made available by the bill from being used to transfer cluster munitions. |
Cluster bombs are considered immoral by most of the civilized world. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
441 |
H.R. 4365 |
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024 |
?An amendment numbered 175 to prohibit funds appropriated by this act from being used to carry out the observance of Pride Month authorized by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness for the Cultural Observances and Awareness Events List. |
The LBGTQ+ agenda is anti-natal and anti-family |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
464 |
H.R. 4665 |
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 13 to reduce funding by 50% for USAID. |
USAID pushes DEI, abortion, racism and the LBGTQ+ agenda worldwide |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
466 |
H.R. 4665 |
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 17 to reduce funds apportioned to USAID by $4.5 billion and transfers to the Spending Reduction Account. |
USAID pushes DEI, abortion, racism and the LBGTQ+ agenda worldwide |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
468 |
H.R. 4665 |
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 20 to reduce Economic Support Fund funding to the FY18 enacted level. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
480 |
H.R. 4665 |
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 49 to decrease the salary of Department's Acting Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Constance Mayor to $1. |
AFP disapproves of persons being treated unequally. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
493 |
H.R. 4665 |
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 71 to reduce the salary of Victoria Nuland, Acting United States Deputy Secretary of State and Under Secretary for Political Affairs, to $1. |
Nuland was a primary player in provoking Russia to protect Russians in Ukraine. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
497 |
H.R. 4665 |
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 77 to prevent funds made available by this Act from being used to transfer cluster munitions to any foreign country. |
Cluster bombs are considered immoral by most of the civilized world. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
519 |
H.Res. 757 |
Declaring the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives to be vacant. |
Removed Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House |
McCarthy generally acted in the interests of donors rather than the family. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
627 |
H.R. 4664 |
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 21 to reduce funding for Consumer Product Safety Commission to FY 2019 level. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
634 |
H.R. 4664 |
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 54 to prohibit funds from being used for the acquisition of property for a new FBI headquarters. |
FBI?s opinion of who is and who is not a domestic terrorist is questionable. Their new HQ should be far outside the Beltway. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
635 |
H.R. 4664 |
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 63 to prohibit funding for the White House Gender Policy Council. |
The LBGTQ+ agenda is anti-natal and anti-family |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
638 |
H.R. 4664 |
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 91 to reduce funding to the Consumer Product Safety Commission by 50%. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
645 |
H.R. 863 |
Impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors |
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, has failed to protect our borders. |
One of the objectives of open borders is to keep family wages down. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
648 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 1 to reduce funding for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration by $536,922,000 to $0. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
656 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 71 to reduce funding for the Higher Education Program by $2,767,239,000, and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
658 |
H.R. 6363 |
Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024 |
This act provides continuing FY2024 appropriations for a number of federal agencies and extends several expiring programs and authorities, including several public health programs. |
Congress failed to exercise restraint in spending |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
663 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 92 to reduce funding for Department of Education Departmental Management by $37,735,000. |
Congress should be cutting expenses throughout the budget. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
664 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 103 to reduce the salary of Rachel Levine, Asst Secretary for Health, to $1. |
RL is the highest ranking transgender person in the Biden govt. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
665 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 104 to reduce the salary of Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education, to $1. |
Secretary Cardona supports DEI and gender confusion in America?s public schools |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
670 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 117 to reduce the salary of Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, to $1. |
Secretary Becerra implemented the Biden admin?s COVID policies. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
673 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment numbered 121 to prohibit funds for the Office of Population Affairs.
AFP is pro-natal. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
675 |
H.R. 5894 |
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 |
An amendment to reduce the salary of Vincent Munster, Chief, Virus Ecology Section, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to $1. |
Munster is a key player in the government?s COVID propaganda |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
689 |
H.R. 5283 |
Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act of 2023 |
This bill prohibits the federal government from using lands under the administrative jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service to provide housing to any non-U.S. nationals (aliens?under federal law) who have not been admitted into the US. |
AFP supports all efforts to control the influx of illegal aliens. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
690 |
S.J. Res. 32 |
Providing for congressional disapproval of the rule submitted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau relating to "Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act" |
This joint resolution nullifies the final rule issued by the CFPB requiring financial institutions to collect and report to the bureau credit application data for small businesses. |
AFP approves all Congressional efforts to get control of the unelected Federal bureaucracy. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
696 |
H.R. 542 |
Elizabeth Dole Home- and Community-Based Services for Veterans and Caregivers Act of 2023 |
This bill addresses home care and caregiver programs for veterans. |
Veterans should be rewarded for their service. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
701 |
H.R. 5933 |
Defending Education Transparency and Ending Rogue Regimes Engaging in Nefarious Transactions Act |
This bill expands oversight and disclosure requirements related to foreign sources and institutions of higher education (IHEs) by requiring an IHE to annually disclose to the Department of Education certain payments from foreign sources.
AFP supports efforts to rein in the power of universities. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
703 |
H.R. 4468 |
Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act |
This bill prohibits the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from prescribing a regulation related to new motor vehicle emissions standards that (1) mandates the use of any specific technology, or (2) results in limited availability of new motor vehicles based on the type of new motor vehicle engine. |
Pushes back against the climate change agenda |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
705 |
H.J. Res. 88 |
A joint resolution to nullify the Biden administration?s student loan forgiveness plan. |
An alternative to the Biden administration?s student loan forgiveness plan, this rule creates a new income-driven repayment plan called the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan. |
This resolution encourages borrowers to live up to their legal obligations. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
708 |
H.R. 5378 |
Lower Costs, More Transparency Act |
This bill requires health care providers and insurers to disclose certain information about health care costs. It also establishes requirements for certain payment methodologies under Medicare and Medicaid and extends several public health programs. |
AFP approves of measures to lower the cost of public health services. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
715 |
H.R. 4531 |
Support for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act |
Besides renewing funding authority for grants, programs and activities addressing substance use and misuse, this bill adds illicit xylazine (TRANQ) to the list of Controlled Substances. |
TRANQ has been devastating the lives of addicts and homeless. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
717 |
H.R. 35 |
Ensuring Accountability in Agency Rulemaking Act |
This bill requires, subject to a limited exception, that any agency rule promulgated under notice and comment procedures must be issued and signed by an individual who was appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. |
An attempt to limit the power of unelected bureaucrats. |
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118th Congress, Session 1 |
723 |
H.R. 2670 |
National Defense Authorization Act |
This bill authorizes the $868 billion budget of the Department of Defense. DoD fails to pass an audit year after year, yet Congress never asks for an accounting and increases the amount each year. |
Besides the amount of this budget, many of pro-family amendments have been stripped out of the final bill. |
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